May Day ~ A Time to Connect with the Magical Realms
The veils between the worlds are thin at this time.
Today in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate Samhain, when we connect to those who have gone before us and honor their lives, when the doorway between us and where our ancestors reside opens enough to allow for exchange and interaction. It's also a time of honoring the coming of the dark and the end of the harvest season. At Samhain we come together to celebrate: we celebrate the blessings of our ancestors; express appreciation for what we've received, and what our efforts throughout the growing season have produced; and likewise, what we want to let go of, as we enter into the winter season.
At this time in the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate Beltane, also known as May Day. It's when Spring is at its height, when all the brightness of new life and the fecundity of nature is in full array. Longer days, warmth and vibrancy are now drawing us out into the spring landscape. With an extra skip in our step we find ourselves communing with Nature more closely. We peer into the miniature worlds of buds, insects, and flowers. We're delighted by bird song and surprised by pops of color. We feel energized and inspired!
There's a magical scent in the air at this time.
The veil is now thin between us and the magical realms of nature. The beauty we experience within the world around us is the doorway into these magical realms. There's a distinct flicker of light and flutter of vibration that we can connect with in the glistening sparkles of dew, trembling shadows of a dappled woodland, and on the whirling zephyrs that swirl around our feet. Distant laughter that's hard to trace, subtle movements on the fringes of your peripheral vision, and the sprinkles of joy and impishness that imbue the spaces we're moving through, all indicate the special "aliveness" and magic of this time.
The springtime landscape holds out to us an invitation, a key that unlocks the door of our child's heart.
May Day is full of celebration, of hope renewed, and a joy that ripples along the threads of our interconnected worlds. I invite you, from a grounded place, to open to the magic around you. Sing, dance, and commune with one another. Take the hand of a woodland imp, curl up on the petals with a flower faerie, and relax into the soothing sounds and rhythms of the old wise woman of the waves.
Together lets celebrate the magical energies of May Day!
May the joy of this time reawaken, revitalize, and renew you!