The Art of Geomancy
An Ancient Practice. A Path of Deep Connection. An Inspired Way of Living.

Imagine a home that feels safe, comfortable, and nourishing.
Imagine your business running smoothly, your projects fully supported and profitable, your staff loyal and dedicated.
Imagine your community vibrant and harmonious, embracing diversity, unified and supportive.
Imagine yourself thriving, and no matter the circumstances,
you love your life and feel reassured and peaceful.
This is the power of Geomancy!
Our environments can be mysterious.
Let me help you uncover the hidden energies where you live and work, so you can strengthen your sense of place and feel supported where you are.
Our environments influence our lives,
impacting our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical selves in powerful ways.
Besides the one we have with ourselves,
the relationships we have with Place are the most intimate
relationships we have.
The influences of these relationships can be hidden from us unless we know what to look for.

Find Peace and Harmony
where You Are!
"This is what I have been searching for all my life - a place of rest and a sense of having found my way home. Janet's card says, 'Find peace and harmony where you are.', and that is exactly what is happening. Brilliant!"
~ J.P.
It's all about energy frequency and vibration!
Geomancy is an ancient holistic practice that acknowledges the visible and invisible features of the Earth; and that seeks out the indigenous energetic signature of the land held by the Spirits of Place.
A geomancer shapes the energy fields of our environments by working to revitalize and rebalance the various expressions of subtle energy in the landscape in a manner that honors and is in sync with the cycles of time.
Geomancers co-create places where all life is nurtured and can thrive; they strengthen the symbiotic relationships that exist between us and Place. As a result, we begin to live within energy frequencies that are empowering and life-supporting, that are in right-relationship with cosmic order.
We all benefit from these balanced energies and enhanced vitality, for any geomantic work that's done ripples out and impacts the wider world in positive and long-lasting ways.
The Geomancy practice I offer is rooted in the current understanding of the Earth as being a living conscious entity, one we are in constant dynamic relationship with and that shapes our lives in beautiful and profound ways.
Explore Geomancy

Site Energy Assessment
Spatial Needs Consultation
Geopathic Stress Remediation
Psychic Disturbance Clearing
Space Clearing

Geomancy is a vast and potentially overwhelming subject.
Whether you have questions you want answered, or if you're ready to jump in and get started, I'm excited to connect with you.
For Those Who Like to Do Things Themselves
If you're someone who likes to roll up your sleeves and do things yourself, and you're eager to learn how to create the perfect environment that is designed around your unique needs (no one knows you as well as you), I've written a book of 10 tips to guide you through the process.
Access the "Quick Reference Guide" below.