"I took a sip and saw the vast ocean. Wave upon wave caressed my soul." ~ Rumi
The sea, vast and deep, offers us an opportunity to connect with the expression of divine presence that can only be found in nature. When we spend time in the liminal space between land and sea we are standing on a threshold between the tangible and subtle realms, between reality and the dream world. This watery threshold is a rich place where we can access our dreams, our soul-scape, and our potential, as well as reach a deeper understanding of the power of place in our lives.
The sea is a place of mystical and archetypal presences. This meditation of being high up above the sea looking out over the horizon in the Orkney Isles of Northern Scotland will bring you into intimate connection with these presences and strengthen your sense of belonging to the Earth. Settle into the stillness and open yourself to the sounds of waves and seabirds.
Orkney Sea Video
For best results enlarge the video to 'full screen' and have your volume turned all the way up. Wearing headphones or earbuds is highly recommended.